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Fabian Bentz
Excerpt from Practical Guide to SAP Workflow Agent Determination by Gretchen Horn.
A workflow rule is just one of the multiple ways to define an agent, but it deserves its own chapter because there are many ways to define rules. A workflow rule is the most flexible definition type available. Workflow rules are created via transaction PFAC.
Figure 3.1: Rule assignment possibilities
Workflow rules are used to determine agents in multiple areas. Figure 3.1 shows all the places where a rule can be assigned. A rule can be used to find the responsible agent(s), both from the task as a default rule (2) and from the workflow where the main agent assignment is made (1). In addition, rules are used to define default notification recipients (completion, missed latest start, etc.) from within the task (3). Rules can be used inside the workflow definition to define the deadline and notification agents (4). Finally, a rule can be used to define a workflow-specific administrator. If a workflow administrator is defined in the workflow, then this will override the system-defined workflow administrator.
Dive into agent determination in SAP Business Workflow in this comprehensive guide. Explore the types of workflow agents and how each agent type is defined. Discover how agent types can be defined within the task and workflow definition. Explore workflow rules and clarify the various options for defining rules. Obtain expert advice on the functionality available to agents for processing work items and how to support them as a workflow administrator. Walk through the available reports that focus on the agents of workflow instances and learn how to identify errors, pinpoint areas for improvement, and reveal bottlenecks in workflow processes. Learn about best practices for agent administration and troubleshoot common errors. Examine detailed workshops exploring rule definition, modeled deadlines, ad hoc agents, and release procedures.
– Fundamentals of SAP Business Workflow agent types and agent determination – Example rules defined using responsibilities, ABAP, evaluation paths, organizational data, and BRF+ – Agent administration and reporting – Deep dive workshops exploring rule definition, modeled deadlines, ad hoc agents, and release procedures
Author Gretchen Horn received a bachelor’s degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Houston. She has worked with SAP software since 1996, working as a materials management functional subject matter expert. She became a consultant for N2 Consulting, Inc. in 1998 so that she could focus on workflow design and development as a technical consultant. She is certified in SAP Business Workflow and in 2009, she began her own company, JLM Workflow, Inc. She enjoys consulting locally in Houston,Texas.