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Fabian Bentz
Have you ever wondered: “What is the underlying transaction code for a specific configuration step?”
Have you ever had difficulty navigating through the customizing project to locate a specific configuration step and wondered: “Is there was a quick way to simply enter a transaction code and get to the configuration step?”
You are not alone. In a fast-paced environment where every key stroke counts and every second is valuable, answers to these questions may at times be very helpful. Follow these simple steps to learn how to display IMG Activity. Transaction code is (generally) embedded in the IMG Activity. The last four characters (or letters) represent the transaction code.
Enter transaction code SPRO and click on SAP Reference IMG.
From menu path: Additional Information – Additional Information – Display Key – IMG Activity.
Example: Configuration step “Define Costing Variants” is attached to IMG Activity SIMG_CFMENUORKKOKKN.
This configuration step can be directly accessed from the command box using transaction code OKKN.