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Fabian Bentz
Excerpt from The SAP BW to HANA Migration Handbook by Rob Frye, Dr. Bjarne Berg, Joe Darlak.
Sample DMO task list The complete DMO migration task list, from the world’s largest DMO migration, is presented in this section. Please be aware that your process may vary in some details, but you should be able to use the tasks in this section as a baseline for building your own task list. You also need to remember that the complete task list should be updated and refined as you complete the migration of each system in your multi-tiered system landscape. For example, once you have created your baseline task list, update and refine it with lessons you learn from test migrations of your sandbox and development environments. The process should be quite refined before you complete the migration of your QA environment, and the QA migration should be the dry run which is used as the basis for your GO/NO-GO decision prior to the migration of the production environment. For this reason, the task list should require very little tweaking by the time you complete the QA migration.
The task list is divided into categories based on the various phases required for the complete DMO process.
Hardware provisioning This section includes the task list which was used during the hardware provisioning phase of the world’s largest DMO migration.
Customization required! Remember that some of the tasks listed here will need to be adjusted to match your system requirements. For example, if your source database is DB2 instead of Oracle (the source for the project in the example), you will need to replace the tasks targeted for an Oracle system with the analogous actions for accomplishing the same goals in a DB2 system.
1. Order interim BW system with storage capacity = source BW + 50 GB for DMO shadow instance. 2. Deliver interim BW system with storage capacity = source BW + 50 GB for DMO shadow instance. 3. Order PCA add-on installation to source BW system. 4. Order system copy from source BW to interim BW. 5. Create CRQ. 6. Order export storage attached to interim BW and HANA. 7. Deliver export storage attached to interim BW and HANA. 8. Deliver storage required for DMO (200 GB for shadow instance). 9. Determine HANA DB system IDs (SIDs). 10. Determine HDB schema owner (should be the same in all systems, i.e. SAPHDB or SAPBWH). 11. Order BW on HANA database appliance. 12. Deliver BW on HANA database appliance and cleanse existing topology if necessary. 13. Order external backup storage for BW on HANA database appliance. 14. Deliver external backup storage for BW on HANA database appliance. 15. Order BW on HANA primary application server (PAS). 16. Deliver BW on HANA primary application server (PAS). 17. Order BW on HANA application servers. 18. Deliver BW on HANA application servers. 19. Order BW on HANA Java stacks. 20. Deliver BW on HANA Java stack and upgrade to 7.40. 21. Order BW on HANA portal. 22. Deliver BW on HANA portal. 23. Order OS/DB migration check service from http:// 24. Apply for the pilot/restricted usage program for the latest version of SUM for DMO (if necessary).