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Fabian Bentz
SAP HANA Advanced Modeling by Dominique Alfermann, Benedikt Engel, and Stefan Hartmann introduces you to advanced modeling techniques based on actual project experience as well as field tests. Our aim is to provide clear modeling recommendations for setting up data models, optimizing performance, using the SAP HANA modeler and development perspective, as well as efficiently solving complex requirements in SAP HANA.
The target audience of this book is SAP HANA developers and architects acquainted with the methods and options for implementing logic in SAP HANA. The reader should possess a solid understanding of general SAP HANA objects.
In our world, technologies evolve at an extraordinary pace and new market opportunities develop just as quickly. Companies face the challenge of adapting to unfamiliar technologies and markets with different rules and key players. While businesses adapt, IT departments face similar struggles with constantly changing business requirements and new technologies. In these hectic times, it is essential to have a good reporting foundation available to keep track of existing and also new business.
SAP is one of the big players in business software and is currently developing new products and promoting new product suites at a speed previously unknown to most customers. A central element to all of these products is SAP HANA. Most IT departments have seen SAP HANA in sales presentations, or even implemented the software in a proof of concept (PoC). However, few companies truly consider SAP HANA an alternative to existing databases or data warehouses.
In this book, we go one step further and take a closer look at how to build reporting views in an SAP HANA native environment. We not only take a close look at SAP HANA design elements and patterns, but also evaluate these patterns and provide recommendations and best practices for modeling in SAP HANA. The evaluation is based on critical factors such as performance and storage consumption, as well as on ease of use. In the course of the chapters, we examine possible implementation elements or variants in the different types of information views and their impact on the evaluation factors. The evaluation is performed using test scenarios and is based on our practical experience and results in recommendations and best practices. In order to complete the picture, we demonstrate how to solve complex problems and calculations in SAP HANA. Finally, the book discusses new challenges in integrating operational reporting into the operational system while avoiding redundancy. We hope you enjoy reading this book and collecting insights into SAP HANA native.
Keep reading for:
• Data modeling guidelines and common test approaches • Information view performance optimization • Modular solutions to complex requirements • Best practices and recommendations